MIMO technologies for multiterminal wireless networks (MULTIMIMO)
This coordinated proyect has four partners: Universidad de La Coruña, Escuela Politécnica Superior de Mondragón, Centro de Investigaciones Tecnológicas de Guipúzcoa (CEIT) y Universidad de Cantabria (GTAS). The aim of this project is the development of novel signaling schemes that deliver on the full range of multiplexing, diversity and directivity gains inherent to the MIMO multiterminal networks. The project also considers the assessment of the developed signaling techniques in realistic scenarios. Towards this aim, we propose the construction of six terminal nodes equipped with MIMO air interfaces, three nodes with low cost and performance and another three nodes with better performance but more expensive. With these nodes, we will be able to design a wide variety of multiterminal scenarios with different characteristics: multiple access channels, boradcast channels, channels with limited feedback, relay channels, etc.
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