Acquisition steps (using HTTP GET methods)
This example shows how to perform a signal acquisition with node 2.
Therefore, the following steps will only work if node 2 is online and available.
- Step 1. Receiver FPGA programming.
- Step 2. Initialize RF frontend.
- Step 3. Adjust transceiver #1 LNA Gain and VGA Gain.
- Step 4. Set ADC board sampling frequency to 52 Mhz.
- Step 5. Configure ADC board to acquire 100 samples through channels 1 and 2 (I and Q branches of the transceiver #1).
- Step 6. Acquire and save the samples into the SDRAM. Then, send the data to the user that executes this call.
- Step 7. Translate received data from base64 to int16 to see the samples acquired by the ADCs.