A Bayesian Approach To Tracking With Kernel Recursive Least-Squares

TitleA Bayesian Approach To Tracking With Kernel Recursive Least-Squares
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2011
AuthorsLázaro-Gredilla, M., S. Van Vaerenbergh, and I. Santamaría
Conference NameIEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP 2011)
Month PublishedSeptember
Conference LocationBeijing, China
Keywordskernel adaptive filtering, KRLS
AbstractIn this paper we introduce a kernel-based recursive least-squares (KRLS) algorithm that is able to track nonlinear, time-varying relationships in data. To this purpose we first derive the standard KRLS equations from a Bayesian perspective (including a principled approach to pruning) and then take advantage of this framework to incorporate forgetting in a consistent way, thus enabling the algorithm to perform tracking in non-stationary scenarios. In addition to this tracking ability, the resulting algorithm has a number of appealing properties: It is online, requires a fixed amount of memory and computation per time step and incorporates regularization in a natural manner. We include experimental results that support the theory as well as illustrate the efficiency of the proposed algorithm.
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