COMONSENS Network (TEC2015-69648-REDC)

The COMONSENS Network aims at the fertilization of the research collaboration links initiated and developed during the COMONSENS project both among the 10 participating research groups in Spain and with external participants and networks. The COMONSENS project,, involved 135 researchers and surpassed all originally agreed performance objectives. The COMONSENS Network will continue the biannual COMONSENS workshops, which took place between 2009 and 2014, and which were preserved by the Joint IEEEEURASIP Spain Seminar on Signal Processing, Communication and Information Theory that took place on December 10-11 2014 and by the Second Spanish workshop on Information and Communication Theory on July 2-3 2015. The workshop format features invited oral presentations of internal and external researchers, round tables of emerging topics and student poster presentations. A key factor to the success of the collaboration activities emanating from the workshops has been the balanced representation of both senior professors and Ph.D. students at the meetings. Meetings take place in a rotating fashion on the premises of the universities belonging to the network, at no cost, and having duration of two to three days depending on the number of solicited presentations.
Publications for this project
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