
The Advanced Signal Processing Group (GTAS, in Spanish) is part of the Communications Engineering Department of the University of Cantabria. It is located at the E.T.S.I. Industriales y Telecomunicaciones, Avda Los Castros s/n. Santander 39005, SPAIN.

The GTAS conducts research in the development of digital signal processing algorithms for communications, as well as in machine-learning techniques, optimization, and nonlinear modeling. Currently, the research activity of the GTAS is focused on the following topics:

  • Signal processing techniques for wireless networks.
    • Advanced interference management techniques for multi-user MIMO systems (NOMA, rate-splitting, interference alignment, improper Gaussian signaling schemes, etc)
    • Detection and estimation in multi-sensor arrays.
    • Development of hardware MIMO testbeds and performance evaluation.
  • Machine-learning techniques and their applications.
    • Kernel methods, learning algorithms, and adaptive information processing systems.
    • Multivariate statistical techniques: PCA, CCA, and ICA.
    • Nonlinear modeling.



Seventh Spanish Workshop on Signal Processing, Information Theory and Communications (SIC'18)

The Seventh Spanish Workshop on Signal Processing, Information Theory and Communications (SIC'18), will take place in San Sebastian on January 22-23, 2018.

Paper to be presented at ISSPIT 2017

The paper "A quaternion-based approach to interference alignment with Alamouti coding" by J. Fanjul, I. Santamaria, and C. Loucera, will be presented at the IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology (ISSPIT), December 2017, Bilbao, Spain.

Oferta de trabajo en proyecto de Machine Learning

El Grupo de Tratamiento Avanzado de Señal (GTAS) de la Universidad de Cantabria está buscando un investigador para colaborar en un proyecto sobre aprendizaje automático.

Paper published in IEEE Communications Magazine

The paper "Interference Alignment Testbeds", co-authored by C. M. Yetis,J. Fanjul, J. A. Garcia-Naya, N. N. Moghadam and H. Farhadi, has been published in IEEE Communications Magazine.

Paper to be presented at AdHoc-Now 2017

A paper co-authored by GTAS members will be presented at AdHoc-Now 2017, to be held in Messina, Italy, Sept. 20-22, 2017.


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