MADDIE project

The GTAS group participates in the project MADDIE ("Enabling communication, coding and processing technologies for next-generation classical-quantum networks"), PID2022-137099NBC43), funded by The Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Gobierno de España) and AEI (Agencia Española de Investigación), MCIN/ AEI/10.13039/501100011033.
MADDIE is a three-year (Sept. 2023- Aug. 2026) research project that integrates researchers from 4 different Spanish universities: Universidad Politecnica de Cataluña, Universidade A Coruña, Universidad de Cantabria and Universidad de Navarra.
Summary: The emerging 6G vision of seamless connectivity between the cyber and physical worlds will shape next-generation networks and services. Intended applications are, e.g., self-driving connected vehicles, health IoT-based services, and critical infrastructure surveillance, which integrate communication and sensing functionalities. Besides, MADDIE foresees that future networks will incorporate devices with quantum information processing capabilities, which may either boost network performance or act as adversaries that jeopardize network security. Therefore, for upcoming services and applications to become a reality, wireless and communication technologies must not only meet the demands of extremely high data throughput and low latency, but also ensure cybersecurity in hybrid classical-quantum networks.
Leveraging MADDIE participants’ know-how and expertise, this project will make use of classical and quantum coding, communications, and signal processing advanced techniques that will play a crucial role in answering the aforementioned challenges. Specifically, MADDIE will design coding and cryptographic algorithms for IoT-based applications in the context of classical-quantum networks. Furthermore, MADDIE will also explore innovative wireless technologies for the operation in the mmWave band and beyond, where future communication networks will be allocated to leverage massive bandwidth availability. Regarding co-existing sensing and communication networks, MADDIE will investigate distributed processing techniques that may possibly be combined with recent advances in graph signal processing to make efficient use of resources and increase performance. Finally, MADDIE will assess the impact of quantum devices in communication networks from both a computational and security perspective.