Three papers accepted at ICASSP 2023

Three papers co-authored by GTAS members have been accepted at the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) that will be held in Rhodes, Greece, June 4-10:
- "Passive Detection of Rank-one Gaussian Signals for Known Channel Subspaces and Arbitrary Noise", by D. Ramirez, I. Santamaria, and L. L. Scharf.
- "Noncoherent Multiuser Grassmannian Constellations for the MIMO Multiple Access Channel," by Javier Alvarez-Vizoso, Diego Cuevas, Carlos Beltran, Ignacio Santamaria, Vıt Tucek, and Gunnar Peters.
- "Interference Leakage Minimization in RIS-assisted MIMO Interference Channels," by Ignacio Santamaria, Mohammad Soleymani, Eduard Jorswieck, and Jesus Gutierrez.