Paper accepted at GLOBECOM 2019

The paper "Benefits of improper signaling for overlay cognitive radio" co-authored by C. Lameiro, I. Santamaria and P. Schreier will be presented at the IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM) to be held in Waikoloa, HI, USA, 9-13 December 2019.
Abstract: This paper considers improper Gaussian signaling (IGS) in an overlay cognitive radio scenario. We follow a protocol in which the secondary user (SU) uses part of its power to relay the message for the primary user (PU) and consider a simple yet illustrative 2-user scenario. We analyze two communication schemes depending on whether or not the PU cooperates with the SU and derive closed-form expressions for the optimal transmission parameters that maximize the SU rate while ensuring a specified minimum performance of the PU. Our numerical results show that IGS may significantly outperform proper signaling and that, interestingly, the cooperative approach provides negligible performance gains over its non-cooperative counterpart.