3 papers to be presented at EUSIPCO 2017
Posted: June 20, 2017

3 papers co-authored by GTAS members will be presented at EUSIPCO 2017, to be held in Kos Island, Greece, Aug. 28- Sept. 2, 2017.
- I. Santamaria, J. Via, M. Kirby, T. Marrinan, C. Peterson, L. Scharf, "Constrained Subspace Estimation via Convex Optimization"
- S. Van Vaerenbergh, S. Scardapane, I. Santamaria, "Recursive Multikernel Filters Exploiting Nonlinear Temporal Structure"
- I. Santamaria, J. Via, L. Scharf, Y. Wang, "A GLRT Approach for Detecting Correlated Signals in White Noise in Two MIMO Channels"