Fourth EURASIP-IEEE Spanish Workshop on Signal Processing, Information Theory and Communications (SIC’16)

The fourth EURASIP-IEEE Spanish Workshop on Signal Processing, Information Theory and Communications (SIC’16), organized by the GTAS group, will be held in Santander on 19 July, 2016.
The technical program includes the following three plenary talks:
1.- Approaching Theoretical Limits with Low-Complexity Analog Joint Source-Channel Coding Schemes, by J. Garcia-Frias, University of Delaware.
2.- Sparse Sensing for Statistical Inference, by Geert Leus, Delft University of Technology.
3.- Efficient Two-Way Relaying Techniques for Amplify and Forward Relays with Multiple Antennas and Hybrid Beamforming Concepts for Massive MIMO, by Martin Haardt, Ilmenau University of Technology.
You can find detailed info of the program at